Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio UniversityInstitute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University


HOMENews&Events 2017年 Global metabolic reprogramming of colorectal cancer occurs at adenoma stage and is induced by MYC

2017 News

Global metabolic reprogramming of colorectal cancer occurs at adenoma stage and is induced by MYC

The research group of Professor Tomoyoshi Soga of IAB Keio University, Project Research Associate Kiyotoshi Sato of IAB Keio University, Professor Suzuki of Kagawa University Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory Head Shinichi Yachida of National Cancer Center, Division Chief Masahiro Aoki of Aichi Cancer Center Research Institute Molecular Pathology Division, elucidated the mechanism of cancer metabolism change of which a mystery of cancer for 100 years.
This research was supported by AMED-CREST, an innovative advanced research and development support project of Japan Agency for Medical Research and Development, Yamagata Prefecture and Tsuruoka City.

This research result was published on the online edition of Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America on August 29, 2017.

For more details, please CLICK HERE (japanese only) .

-Yamagata Shinbun (newspaper) : Aug.30 LINK (Japanese only) .
-Shonai Nippo (newspaper) : Sep. 1
-Kahoku Shinpo (newspaper) : Sep.7
-Asahi Shinbun (evening newspaper) : Sep.14