HOME News&Events 2020年
Archive of 2020 News&Events
Chromatin Remodeling and Immediate Early Gene Activation by SLFN11 in Response to Replication Stress
The research group including Project Associate Professor Junko Murai of IAB in collaboration with a group of researchers of NIH, published the findings of a new study entitled " Chromatin Remodeling a...
Dr.Yasuhiro Saito won the Best Oral Presentation Award
Dr. Yasuhiro Saito, Project Assistant Professor, won the Best Oral Presentation Award at Youth meeting of Japanese Cancer Association and rated for his outstanding scientific research and excellent or...
IAB and Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, National Institute of Natural Sciences Conclude a Comprehensive Partnership Agreement
IAB and Exploratory Research Center on Life and Living Systems, National Institute of Natural Sciences conclude a comprehensive partnership agreement. A ceremony was held at IAB on Thursday, February ...
Essential role of the Crk family-dosage in DiGeorge-like anomaly and metabolic homeostasis
The research group including Project Professor Shinji Fukuda of IAB in collaboration with an international group of researchers including Institute for Protein Research, Osaka University, The Universi...
Dr.Nobuaki Kono won the Yamagata Prefecture Science Technologies Encouragement Award
Dr. Nobuaki Kono, Project Assistant Professor, won Yamagata Prefecture Science Technologies Encouragement Award.
Influence of gastrectomy for gastric cancer treatment on faecal microbiome and metabolome profiles
Project Professor Shinji Fukuda of IAB in collaboration with a group of researchers including Tokyo Institute of Technology, Osaka University and National Cancer Center Research Institute, published t...