Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio UniversityInstitute for Advanced Biosciences, Keio University

Research Projects

HOME Research Projects Bio-Functional Design Project

Bio-Functional Design Project

生物機能設計プロジェクト/Bio-Functional Design Project

This Bio-Functional Design Project aims to understand the design of living organisms constitutively, and is not restricted to any particular organism, but rather conducts research on a phenomenon-based basis. For this reason, we study not only major model organisms such as bacteria and rats, but also organisms that have not been studied very much in the past, such as slime molds, ants, and spiders. Our research approach combines both experimental and computational (wet and dry) methods. Specifically, we combine experimental processing such as field sampling, culturing, nucleic acid extraction, and genome engineering with informatics processing such as a simulation, genome analysis, sequence analysis, and image analysis.

Project HP URL:

  1. Front Ecol Evol, 10: 915517.(2022)
  2. Biol Open. 11(3).(2022)
  3. Zoological Lett. 7(1):11.(2021)
  4. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 118(31).(2021)
  5. Open Biol. 11(12):210242.(2021)
  6. Scientific Reports 10(1):15721.(2020)
  7. Communications Biology 2:148.(2019)
  8. Develop Growth Differ. 61(5):316-326.(2019)
  9. Scientific Reports 10;9(1):8380.(2019)
  10. Bio-protocol 9(15): e3329.(2019)

河野 暢明 特任准教授

Nobuaki Kono

Associate Professor

岩井 碩慶 IAB所員

Hironori IWAI 
IAB Staff

大坂 夏木 研究員

Natsuki Osaka